Our Vision
Watch Our Vision Video
“Christ for Kentucky”
We do not believe Christ is indifferent to Kentucky, and we certainly do not believe Christ is against Kentucky—we believe Christ is for Kentucky. Furthermore, we believe Kentucky is desperate for Christ. Yes, of course, the salvation he offers to the citizens of Kentucky, but also the redemption he promises to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Jesus taught his followers to pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” His purposes for this world are much greater than getting people to heaven; He intends to bring heaven to earth. And that includes Kentucky. He desires his kingdom to come and his will to be done in Kentucky as it is in heaven, and Christ for Kentucky exists to offer leadership in that redemption project. We do this by providing “public theology and strategy for the common good of the Commonwealth.”
Public Theology
Christ for Kentucky is a resource for public theology. Typically, people associate theological work with the study of scripture (biblical theology) or the summation of scripture (systematic theology). But there is another theological discipline that has historically been central to Christian work known as public theology. Public theology is the application of theology to a particular cultural context, shaping the public imagination with the Christian worldview. Christ for Kentucky seeks to recover this Christian tradition of social thought by offering content that is both scriptural and applicable. Through different mediums such as podcasts, blogs, op-eds, curriculums, and formal publishing, we hope to provide compelling Christian thought for Kentucky’s public square.
Public Strategy
Christ for Kentucky is a resource for public strategy. Public theology removed from strategic implementation remains inconsequential. This is why we are committed not just to ideas but to the incarnation of those ideas in Kentucky’s societal life. We accomplish this by leading collaborative efforts among the leadership of Kentucky. While we labor and pray for societal transformation via grassroots revival, research shows that the possibility of cultural change typically belongs to those who possess cultural capital. We seek to lead the leaders of our state with a Christian vision of subversive influence, leveraging privilege and power for the greater common good.
The Common Good of the Commonwealth
Christ for Kentucky is a resource for the common good of the Commonwealth. Kentucky’s own Wendell Berry argues that social thought and work typically fail due to expansive emphasis. A global, even national, focus requires a level of generalization and simplification that neglect the unique demands of local communities. Therefore, successful public theology and strategy necessitate a form of indigenous localism. Christ commands us to love our neighbor, and we take that command literally. Our Kentucky neighbors are our focus. We do not seek to change the world or our nation. We are an organization devoted to the common good of the Commonwealth.

For a deeper dive…
For a long-form explanation of our work, listen to this two-part series on our podcast explaining our ministry’s name and mission.
Part 1: Our Name
Part 2: Our Mission
“What does C4KY do?